Section: Software


Participant : Régis Duvigneau [correspondant] .

Opale team is developing the software platform FAMOSA (C++), that is devoted to multidisciplinary design optimization in engineering. It integrates the following components:

  • an optimization library composed of various algorithms : several descent methods from steepest-descent method to quasi-Newton BFGS method (deterministic, smooth), the Multi-directional Search Algorithm (deterministic, noisy), the Covariance Matrix Adaption Evolution Strategy (semi-stochastic, multi-modal) and the Efficient Global Optimization method (deterministic, multi-modal). It also contains the Pareto Archived Evolution Strategy to solve multi-objective optimization problems ;

  • an evaluation library managing the performance estimation process (communication with external simulation tools) ;

  • a metamodel library that contains tools to build a database and kriging models that are used to approximate the objective function for different purposes;

  • a scenario library that allows to use the previous components to achieve various tasks:

    • Construct a design of experiments ;

    • Construct a metamodel ;

    • Find the design that minimizes a cost functional ;

    • Find the Pareto front for two cost functionals

    • Play a Nash game to find the equilibrium between two criteria ;

    • Apply a multiple gradient descent strategy to improve simultaneously two criteria.

The FAMOSA platform is employed by Opale Project-Team to test its methodological developments in multidisciplinary design optimization (MDO). The platform is also used by the Fluid Mechanics Laboratory at Ecole Centrale de Nantes and by the K-Epsilon company (http://www.k-epsilon.com ) for hydrodynamic design applications. Moreover, it is presently tested by Peugeot Automotive industry for external aerodynamic design purpose.